A solution is vendors offering to customers. It could be a product, service, knowledge, technology, and much more.
Adding a Solution is a simple process, but it requires quite a log of data entry and thought. We recommend doing this on your computer.
Enter the solution basic details
Describe the challenges this solution can solve
Enter your Solution implementation details and explain what is the cost model of that specific Solution
Add use cases and any additional information, including attachments
In this step, you will enter your Solution implementation details (including price and timelines) and explain what is the cost model of that specific Solution.
Depending on the offered Solution, you can enter an estimation (range) or offer a specific plan and price.
As a default, your customers will see the estimated price and timelines. If you will enter a detailed implementation plan, your customer will see this as default.
Adding a details plan, when possible, will save you the effort of sending a separate plan to each customer.
These are additional problems or uses that the solution solves or can be used for.
In this section add any documents or corresponding information that may strengthen the case for the user to select your solution over competing vendor solutions.