Accessible World For Everyone

The main goal of MACHULU is to enhance the lives of people with disabilities and the elderly around the world.

There are different regulations, different needs, and many different solutions to help everyone live better, equal lives in an equal society.

If you have a solution that meets our goal, please join us.

Accessible World For Everyone

Frequently Asked Questions

This page is here to answer any question related to what we do and how you and us can make this world accessible to everyone.


Web accessibility means that websites, platforms, tools, and technologies being designed and developed so that people with different disabilities can use them. It means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web and contribute to the Web.

Web accessibility is essential as much as the web and internet have become crucial parts of our lives. Making sure the web is accessible allows people with disabilities to have equal rights and access to the essential information and services the web offers. This includes entertainment, online shopping, education, recreation, health services, and more. Ensuring your website or online service is accessible can also help make it more effective in reaching a wider and new audience. Making a website accessible make it easier for everyone to navigate, now just users with disabilities.


If you sell accessibility solutions, you can register to our platform with a free account and get new opportunities directly to your inbox.

If you have a business that needs accessibility solutions, register for a free account, and following a short process of describing your challenge, you will find the best way to solve your specific challenge.

Either you have a physical or online business; there are different reasons to make it accessible to everyone.

We believe that business owners should give everyone equal opportunities and make it as easy as possible to use their service or product.

On top of that, as a business owner, you should know that over 20% of the world population has accessibility problems. As the world population grows older, this is gonna become more and more common. So, making your business accessible will bring you more business and growth.

Web Accessibility

Web accessibility means that websites, platforms, tools, and technologies being designed and developed so that people with different disabilities can use them. It means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web and contribute to the Web.

Web accessibility is essential as much as the web and internet have become crucial parts of our lives. Making sure the web is accessible allows people with disabilities to have equal rights and access to the essential information and services the web offers. This includes entertainment, online shopping, education, recreation, health services, and more. Ensuring your website or online service is accessible can also help make it more effective in reaching a wider and new audience. Making a website accessible make it easier for everyone to navigate, now just users with disabilities.

The answer varies by country and industry. Even if you’re not required to make your website accessible by law, we recommend doing so for different reasons:

  1. U.S. Courts are overwhelmingly ruling in favor of accessibility. So, while the rule of law is not always clear, there’s no question an accessible site reduces legal risk.
  2. It opens your business to a more extensive consumer base.

Learning and Thinking Disabilities

Generally, these terms refer to the same thing. Some prefer to use the terminology “learning differences” or “learning challenges” instead of “learning disabilities”. Some are concerned that the term “learning disability” focuses on an individual’s cognitive weaknesses and isolates them from others. The term “learning differences” simply highlights the fact that they learn differently than others do.
So what exactly is the difference? Individuals with learning disabilities do think and learn differently. They have as much to offer and contribute as individuals without learning disabilities. However, in the United States and other countries, you may see laws to preserve individuals’ rights with disabilities to equal treatment. For example, see the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This act ensures that students ages 3-21 will receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). IDEA ensures that children with disabilities will have the same opportunities and access to public education as their peers without disabilities.

Learning and thinking differences are variations in how the brain understands and processes information. It can affect reading, writing, focus, math, and other functionalities. These differences, like ADHD and dyslexia, causing delays in developing communication or learning skills and diagnosable or identifiable by a professional. They are lifelong and unrelated to intelligence.


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